Mahanadhi Industrial Products

Mahanadhi Industrial Products


Internal Auto Drain Valve

Availability: In stock

Product Details:

Flotronics manufacturers the Internal Float-Operated Drain Valves are a universal replacement for most Manufacturer’s Filter Housings float type drain. The internal auto drain also operates in manual mode.

A Normally Closed drain valve is Automatic, which works when the buoy ascends because of amassed fluid, releasing condensate and trash from inside the channel bowl. Typically Open channels are Semi-Automatic, which works when the carrier is depressurized, for instance toward the finish of a move. At the point when the framework is compressed, it will stay shut however the channel might be worked physically by turning the detour.



a) Easy Installation & Maintenance (Include O-ring & Lock nut)
b) Industrial Filter Housings
c) No Electricity required
d) Automatic & Semi Automatic Operation
e) Normal Open & close Concept

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